January is Mental Wellbeing Month
With the start of a new year, it helps to assess not only your physical health but your mental wellbeing, too. Mental wellbeing serves as a foundation for all your activities, and it is important to get your thoughts and emotions pointed in a positive direction.
- Check in with yourself. If the recent holidays have left you feeling mentally conflicted or rattled, confide in a supportive loved one or a mental health professional. You are not alone!
- Get a gratitude start. While it is easier to spot the negative aspects of life, do not forget to make note of the great gifts you have each day—health, family, friendships, purpose, appreciation of nature and more.
- Ramp up self-care, particularly during stressful times. To unplug from stress, decrease your screen time, get outdoor exercise and spend time with loved ones.
- Take a trip. The bleak midwinter can sometimes be a drag. So, schedule a long weekend away where you take in new sights and sounds. This refreshment is great for your mental wellbeing!
Emotional wellbeing: Managing your emotions.
Your ability to handle daily life and major life events is heavily influenced by your emotional wellbeing. Thus, it is important to find ways to keep your emotions on as even a keel as possible. When confronted with uncertainty, know that you have been resilient before and can use the tools of resilience again to minimize your levels of stress and anxiety.
Visit MagellanHealthcare.com/about/bh-resources/mymh or call your program for confidential mental
health resources.