Managing stress and anxiety during election season

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the current political climate, you’re not alone. A national survey suggests more than 60% of registered voters in the U.S. say politics are a significant source of stress, and some even say they’ve lost sleep over it. Over 25% of voters also say politics have sparked conflict among their family and friends. Political stress, anxiety or even anger you may feel over politics can be hard to cope with.

Managing what you can control during election season

These feelings can have a negative impact on your emotional and physical health. Symptoms such as low energy, insomnia, loss of appetite, mood swings and tension are signs that you should not ignore. It is important to recognize what you can and cannot control as the election approaches. You cannot control other people’s opinions, beliefs, reactions or how they express themselves. Nor can you control others’ votes. There are, however, many things you can control during and after the election:

  • Limit the amount of time you spend on election news and discussions. While the 24-hour political news cycle on television, radio and the internet is almost impossible to escape, you can limit the amount of time you spend on media each day.
  • Be aware of the coverage, feeds and groups you follow. When you are watching or reading election coverage, avoid negative-leaning discussions, especially if you feel frustrated or upset by them.
  • Recognize how you interact on social media. Avoid giving angry or emotional responses to posts that do not align with your views. You are unlikely to change other people’s opinions; you are more likely to get unwanted and hostile feedback.
  • Focus on the time you spend with people. Prioritize your relationships with positive family and friends. Strong social connections can reduce stress and help you feel happier and more energetic.
  • Manage how you deal with stress. Whether it’s meditation, going out in nature, reading a book or working on a hobby, take time to do something that makes you feel good. Get enough sleep and exercise, eat a healthy diet and avoid using alcohol or drugs.
  • Stick to your boundaries. Before you enter a conversation, ask yourself if you’re in the emotional headspace to have it. Are you feeling stressed out, on edge or angry? Are you prepared to have a healthy debate or do conversations around this topic tend not to go well? If you feel like you’d be better off not having an election-related conversation, express your boundaries. You could say, “This conversation is really challenging for me, and it’s bringing up a lot of feelings. Can we move on to something else?”
  • Take action by using your time and talents. Give your time and skills to a cause you believe in. If you have a strong interest in a political cause or candidate, offer to help with a campaign or other event.

This article is for your information only. It is not meant to give medical advice. It should not be used to replace a visit with a provider. Magellan Health does not endorse other resources that may be mentioned here.

SOURCE: The Jed Foundation

Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder

October is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression linked to seasonal changes, typically beginning when fall starts and intensifying during late fall or early winter.

What’s the difference between SAD and the “winter blues”?

Many people feel a little down during colder months because they are stuck inside, and it gets dark early. These feelings, often called the “winter blues,” are temporary. SAD is a clinical form of depression that affects your daily life, including how you feel and think. SAD can last up to five months of the year.

What causes SAD?

About 5% of adults in the U.S. experience SAD. It tends to start in young adulthood. SAD may be caused by reduced serotonin and vitamin D levels, altered melatonin levels, decreased sunlight and shorter days.

What are the symptoms of SAD?

If you have SAD, you may experience mood changes and symptoms of depression, including:

  • Persistent sadness
  • Increased anxiety
  • Food cravings and weight gain
  • Extreme fatigue and low energy
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Social withdrawal
  • Sleep disturbances

What are treatment options for SAD?

Treatment should be tailored to you and supervised by a healthcare professional. Options include:

  • Spending time outdoors—Getting more sunlight can help improve your symptoms.
  • Light therapy—Using a light therapy box daily helps regulate circadian rhythms and boost mood.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy—This treatment helps identify and change negative thought patterns.
  • Vitamin D—A supplement may help if a deficiency is present.
  • Medication—Antidepressants may be prescribed for severe cases.

For more on Seasonal Affective Disorder, visit our website for National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month, MagellanHealthcare.com/Mental-Health, and be sure to check out the suicide prevention tip sheets and awareness campaign toolkit.


September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Military and Family Life Counselors (MFLC) are key components in the fight to prevent suicide in service members and their families. With clinical expertise, collaborating with helping agencies, and connecting participants to appropriate resources, MFLCs embody the 2024 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month theme: “Joining Your Fight: Connect to Protect” (Defense.gov).

Trends of Military Suicide

There has been an increase in suicides for active-duty service members from 2011 to 2022, with 492 suicides in 2022. This was slightly more than in 2021, but less than in 2020. In addition, the rate is similar to the civilian population after accounting for population differences. Suicide data was not available for family members in 2022 however, data from 2021 showed a slight decrease from previous years (Defense Suicide Prevention Office).

Risk & Protective Factors

While the rate of suicide is similar between service members and the civilian population, there are factors unique to the military community that increase the risk of suicide. It is important to not only understand these factors, but also know the protective factors that can decrease these risks.

Suicide Prevention Resources

If you are a service member or military family, connect with a MFLC for local suicide prevention resources. Additionally, here are options for further information and support:

Data-driven Suicide Prevention: Enhancing EAP and Insurer Behavioral Health Program Effectiveness

In today’s fast-paced, high-pressure world, mental health has emerged as a critical public health concern. Suicide, now the 11th leading cause of death in the United States, continues to be a major concern. After a brief decline in 2019 and 2020, suicide rates rose in 2021, with an average of 132 suicides per day—a 5% increase. The situation worsened in 2022, with an additional 3% increase, bringing the average to 135 suicides per day. By 2023, over 50,000 Americans died by suicide, marking the highest number on record. These concerning statistics underscore the importance of integrating targeted suicide prevention strategies into all behavioral health initiatives.

While Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and behavioral health benefits from commercial and public insurers provide support for individuals facing mental health challenges, these organizations can further strengthen suicide prevention efforts by implementing data-driven systems that proactively manage and mitigate suicide risk, including:

  • Early identification—Preventing crises before they escalate is critical. Utilizing predictive analytics, organizations can identify early warning signs and intervene promptly.
  • Ongoing assessment—Continuous mental health monitoring allows care to be adjusted and personalized as needs evolve.
  • Proactive outreach—At-risk individuals often don’t seek help on their own. Through population engagement tactics, such as targeted emails, app notifications and direct outreach by care managers trained in suicide prevention, organizations can ensure timely support reaches those in need.
  • 24/7 supportive care—Round-the clock access to support is vital for effective suicide prevention. On-demand resources like digital tools for mental health and wellbeing, educational materials, safety plans, hotlines, crisis text lines and direct connections to mental health professionals provide individuals with the help they need, whenever they need it.
  • Specialized care management—Licensed clinicians trained in mental health services and evidence-based practices have the expertise to deliver essential support to at-risk individuals, including designing individualized care plans to enhance protective factors, such as building social support networks and improving problem-solving skills and using ongoing remote monitoring to adjust and personalize interventions as needs evolve.
  • Sub-specialty networks—Access to clinicians specializing in mental health conditions ensures at-risk individuals receive the focused care they need. Also, subspecialty medical clinics and primary care providers should screen for mental health conditions. Some physical health conditions (e.g., traumatic brain injury and cancer), can carry a risk of suicide.
  • Outcomes and data-driven approach—Using data to measure the effectiveness of suicide prevention programs allows organizations to continuously refine their strategies, ensure efficient use of resources and better target interventions.

Integrating data-driven targeted suicide prevention and risk management strategies can significantly enhance the effectiveness of EAP programs and behavioral health benefits provided by private and public insurers. Early detection of warning signs and timely interventions can reduce the risk of suicide, save lives and foster a healthier, more resilient society.

Learn how Magellan Healthcare’s data-driven approach is helping organizations safeguard lives here.


Overcome thoughts of suicide and take care of your mental health

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Sometimes, suicide may seem like the only way to escape the pain of situations such as a breakup, job loss, social exclusion, bullying or other trauma. This type of distress can be a dangerous trap. It’s vital to take immediate steps to move yourself away from feelings of hopelessness. What can you do?

Spot the triggers. Recognize worsening distress in the form of self-blame, poor self-esteem, rejection, loss of interest in activities or feeling trapped and hopeless.

Remove lethal items. Rid your home of items you could use for self-harm, like guns, knives, razors or expired, discontinued and non-essential medicines.

Get help right away. Acting quickly can make all the difference. Call or text 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. A trained counselor will help you talk through what you’re feeling, and together you’ll develop a safety plan.

Consult with a professional. Mental health professionals can help you with concerns like depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

Reach out. Talk with a close friend, loved one or spiritual advisor. If you feel you’re in a crisis, dial 911.

Recognize feelings are temporary. Your dark feelings aren’t permanent. With responsive care, you can and will feel better.

For more on suicide prevention, visit our website for September Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, MagellanHealthcare.com/Prevent-Suicide, and be sure to check out the suicide prevention tip sheets and awareness campaign toolkit.

SOURCES: Mayo Clinic and Mental Health America

When someone you know has overdosed

Drug overdose not only affects those who have died—it also affects family members and loved ones left behind.

Around 42% of U.S. adults know someone who has died from a drug overdose. Overdose-related deaths are often sudden and cause extreme grief for the deceased’s family and friends.

Individuals struggling with drug misuse are more likely to keep their habit and whereabouts a secret from family and friends. Those left behind are often unaware their loved one was using drugs or had challenges with addiction. This can lead to feelings of distress and guilt for not noticing signs or intervening to prevent the person’s death.

How to cope with loss after someone overdoses

Death caused by an overdose, whether the person meant to or not, is a distressing situation that requires care, compassion and support for those left behind. Here are some helpful ways to cope with the trauma of losing someone to a drug overdose.

  • Think about getting therapy. Loss of a loved one to a drug overdose can have a lasting impact on you and your family. The effects may vary from person to person. Therapy can help everyone address and process emotions.
  • Check for and join in self-help activities. Practices, such as mindfulness meditation, journaling and exercise, can help with managing the stress and grief you may feel. These wellness practices are helpful tools for building emotional strength and personal development.
  • Practice self-compassion. Drug overdose is often perceived as being preventable, even though addiction and substance use disorders are recognized as mental illnesses. Remember to be patient and compassionate with yourself. The process of grieving and healing takes time.
  • Join support groups. Connecting with individuals who have experienced a similar situation may help you feel understood. You can support each other and share real-life stories that promote hopefulness and strength to get through this challenging time.
  • Find meaningful ways to honor your loved one’s memory. You can cherish and remember good times shared with your loved one by supporting a cause they were passionate about, going through photographs, remembering happier times, or keeping something of theirs close to you.

Allowing yourself time and space to process your emotions is essential for coping with grief. There may be times when you feel guilty for not recognizing your loved one’s struggles with drug misuse or being unable to help them. However, this tragedy is not your fault. While you can’t bring your loved one back, you can make a difference by being alert and noticing the signs of drug misuse and overdose in others, potentially saving another life.

Drug misuse warning signs

People who misuse drugs frequently try to hide their symptoms. Here are some warning signs:


  • Red/ bloodshot eyes or pupils larger or smaller than normal
  • Slurred speech and/or impaired coordination
  • Unusual odors from their body or clothes
  • Change in weight


  • Demonstrating conduct changes and mood swings (e.g., arguing, fighting or conflicts with authority)
  • Avoiding once-pleasurable activities
  • Appearing anxious or fearful for no reason
  • Struggling financially (e.g., unexplained need for and willingness to steal money)
  • Making changes in friends
  • Fluctuating sleep patterns or appetite
  • Behaving secretively
  • Neglecting home, work or school duties

What to do if you think someone has overdosed

  • Call 911 right away!
  • Check for overdose symptoms:
    • Unresponsive or appears lifeless
    • Absence of breathing or shallow/slow breaths
    • Gasping for air or snoring
    • Blue lips and fingertips
    • Clammy skin
  • Turn the person over to their side to help avoid choking.
  • Check for any visible drugs or bottles that may have caused the overdose.
  • Stay with the person until emergency responders arrive.
  • Perform chest compressions if there’s no sign of breathing or pulse.

If you have a loved one using opioids, learn more about Naloxone, a medication that reverses opioid overdose. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has a drug facts page and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) offers an Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit that can be downloaded.

Resources for bereaved families and loved ones

Mental health and substance misuse support:

– Phone: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

– Website: samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline

Support for grieving individuals and families:

For more mental health resources, visit magellanhealthcare.com/about/bh-resources.

This article is for your information only. It is not meant to give medical advice. It should not be used to replace a visit with a provider. Magellan Health does not endorse other resources that may be mentioned here.


New Teen on the Block: Resources to Help Military Youth Acclimate After a PCS

“Being a teenager is easy,” said no one, ever. Pressure to fit in, taking risks, and learning how to navigate the world are all cornerstones of normal teenage life. On top of these pressures, military teens have the added stress of Permanent Change of Station (PCS) moves.

When a PCS occurs, teens often feel sad leaving their friends and anxious about finding a new social group. While this can be an overwhelming and difficult time, Military and Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) can help ease the transition into a new place by inviting teens to join lunch groups, connecting them to peers with similar interests, and sharing local events. In addition to MFLC support, there are resources available for teens and parents as they acclimate to their environment.

Youth Resources

  • On-post youth centers offer military youth a fun, safe place with activities for a variety of interests. At these centers, teens can connect with their peers and support staff.
  • Military teen adventure camps, Operation Purple, the Boys and Girls Club, the YMCA, and 4-H all offer age-appropriate opportunities for military kids to join a social group, learn new skills, and build confidence.
  • School programs such as Student 2 Student can help teens feel supported and connected when starting a new school.

 Parent Resources

  • Military OneSource provides information on the Interstate Compact and the Exceptional Family Members Program, which can be useful to parents when they register their children in school and have concerns about loss of credit hours or setting up 504 or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) plans.
  • The Military Child Educational Coalition offers resources for families such as a PCS checklist and a military student consultant.

A PCS move during the teen years can be life-changing for military-connected kids. However, with the help of MFLC support and the many resources available to them, it can also be a fun, exciting, and positive experience.


Easing the Transition from a Military to a Civilian Career

Transitioning from a structured military life to the civilian workforce is a significant change that is often met with uncertainty and frustration. For transitioning Service members, the process can feel overwhelming with endless options, possibilities, and decisions to make, often leading to decision fatigue. When mental fatigue and frustration set in, so does stress.

It is often extremely hard for Service members to translate and adjust their military duties into civilian terms so that they can enter the civilian workforce. Magellan Federal helps deliver the Education and Employment Initiative (E2I), which has a wonderful model of support to ease the transition. Here are some tips our E2I coordinators often give to ease the transition to a civilian career.

Tips for Transitioning to the Civilian Workforce

  • Do not have visions of grandeur facilitated by the “Thank You for your Service” effect. This does not guarantee employment. While your Service is a unique differentiator, the job market is very competitive.
  • Start the transition process early. It is recommended that you start your planning 18 months to 2 years before the end of service. Make your transition the number one priority.
  • Knowledge is power. Thoroughly research career information resources. This information will help you make the best career choice for yourself and your family.
  • Avoid the chatter. Do not get caught up in conversations with military peers or leadership who know as little as you do about transitioning to the civilian workforce.
  • Know your value. Do what has always made you successful. Work hard, make a plan, and execute your plan. There is always a need for quality, hardworking, and dependable professionals.
  • Adjust your military duties into civilian terms. Put in the work to translate your resume to skills and abilities that resonate with the civilian workforce. Reach out to civilian friends and family to network and get advice.
  • Take advantage of transition resources. If you are assigned to a warrior transition unit or are going through a medical board, take advantage of the Employment and Education Initiative (E2I) program.

The E2I Program

The Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) is a Department of Defense (DOD) program that assists wounded, ill, and injured service members early in their recovery process to identify their skills and match them with the education and career opportunities that will help them successfully transition to civilian life.  E2I is available to all wounded, ill, and injured service members in all branches of the military services, as well as all components of those services: Active, Guard and Reserve.

E2I Regional Coordinators are located throughout the United States. These individuals work with wounded, ill, and injured service members to identify skills, career opportunities that match those skills, and determine educational requirements for a desired career path.

Even if you are not able to participate in the E2I program, your military experience can serve as a wonderful foundation for a successful civilian career.