Military Teen Toolkit

Resources for Supporting Your Teen’s Mental Health

Military life can be exciting and adventurous, but it also comes with challenges, especially for teens who face frequent moves, deployments, and the stress of a parent serving in harm’s way. This toolkit offers tips for military parents to help their teens navigate these challenges and maintain good mental health.

Communication is Key

  • Initiate Conversations: Don’t wait for your teen to “open up”. Regularly check in with them about their day, school, friends, and feelings.
  • Active Listening: When your teen talks, truly listen. Put away distractions, avoid interrupting them, offer empathy, and ask clarifying questions.
  • “I” Statements: Use “I” statements to express your concerns without sounding accusatory. For example, “I worry when you stay up so late” instead of “Why are you always up so late?”
  • Respect Privacy: Respect your teen’s need for privacy but establish boundaries. Let them know you’re always available to talk.
  • Deployment Discussions: Talk about deployments well before they happen. Address their worries about safety, missing friends, and managing household responsibilities.
  • Deployment Traditions: Create routines or traditions to maintain connection during deployments. This could be a weekly video call, writing letters together, or sending a small care package each week.

Building Resilience

  • Develop Routines: Establish consistent routines at home and school, even during deployments. This provides a sense of normalcy and stability.
  • Encourage Exercise: Regular physical activity reduces stress, improves mood, and promotes healthy sleep patterns.
  • Healthy Eating: Focus on providing nutritious meals and snacks to fuel your teen’s body and mind.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Teach your teen relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation.
  • Positive Coping Mechanisms: Help your teen develop healthy coping mechanisms like journaling, creative outlets, or spending time in nature.

Recognizing Signs of Trouble

  • Emotional Changes: Be aware of sudden changes in mood like increased irritability, sadness, or anger.
  • Behavioral Changes: Watch for social withdrawal, neglecting hobbies, or increased risk-taking behaviors.
  • School Struggles: Pay attention to slipping grades, difficulty concentrating, or lack of motivation for schoolwork.
  • Physical Changes: Notice changes in sleep patterns, energy levels, appetite, or self-care habits.
  • Substance Abuse: Be aware of signs of drug or alcohol use, which can be a way of self-medicating.

Getting Help

  • MFLC Program: The Military and Family Life Counseling (MFLC) program helps military families overcome challenges with free non-medical face-to-face support. Services are private and confidential with a few exceptions. Support is available at many installations and affiliated schools.
  • Military OneSource: This program offers a variety of resources, including:
  • 24/7 confidential counseling: Speak with a licensed therapist specializing in military families.
  • Workshops and webinars: Learn about common challenges teens face and develop coping strategies.
  • Online resources: Access articles, videos, and tools to support your teen’s well-being.
  • Chaplain Services: Chaplains offer non-denominational emotional and spiritual support and can be a valuable resource during difficult times.
  • Military Teen Support Groups: Connecting with other teens facing similar challenges can be a source of comfort and understanding. Talk to your teen’s school counselor or local military base about support groups.
  • Mental Health Professionals: If your teen needs more comprehensive support, consider seeking help from a therapist specializing in adolescents or military families.

Additional Resources


  • Take care of yourself. A healthy parent can better support a healthy teen.
  • Celebrate accomplishments. Acknowledge your teen’s strengths and resilience.
  • Be patient. Building resilience and coping skills takes time and practice.
  • Seek professional help if needed. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you feel overwhelmed or your teen needs additional support.
  • The military community is here for you. There are many resources available to support you and your family.

Spotlight Magellan Health: Customer Service Week

Customer Service Week is an essential time for healthcare organizations to honor and recognize the dedication of their staff who provide compassionate care and support to members every day. This week, October 7 through October 11, is an opportunity to acknowledge the hard work, resilience, and commitment of those who provide exceptional customer service. We’re spotlighting four Magellan Health employees who share why they chose to work in customer service, and some of their most rewarding and challenging aspects of working in this field:

  • Kimberly Elias, senior wellness coach
  • Hauva Manookin, care manager, After Hours
  • Marlo Dale, senior EAP consultant-workplace support, Midwest care management center
  • Jordan Carroll, senior care manager

Continue reading to learn more from Kimberly, Hauva, Marlo and Jordan on their experiences working in customer service:

Why did you want to pursue customer service and what is the most rewarding aspect of working in this field?

Kimberly: I pursued a career in coaching because I am passionate about helping people create positive change in their lives. I believe that we all have the capacity to change, and I love being a conduit for this transformational process to occur.  The most rewarding part of my work is being a witness to the growth and transformation that occurs when one puts in the effort and believes in themselves. There is no greater reward then seeing someone discover their potential and go from merely surviving to thriving in life! That is what it’s all about for me.

Hauva: Cliched as it is, I pursued customer service via being a counselor because a life dedicated to helping others is a life lived with value. I have this idea that counselors are farmers; we plant seeds, we encourage watering, and we hope somewhere down the road the seeds grow. Even in our abbreviated roles and the snapshots of time we have with each person, we can still plant seeds and hope for their bountiful harvest. In that invisible moment that likely we will never know about, that is the moment where everything we learned and everything we have done becomes clear.

Marlo: I am a solution focused thinker. Helping the client move toward resolution is the most rewarding aspect of working as an employee assistance program specialist. I’ve found social work and customer service values are all aligned. Social workers and customer service representatives must demonstrate empathy, strong communication skills, respect, and a duty to serve. Despite the need of the respective client or customer, providing and linking to service in a competent, professional manner is the goal, and necessary to sustain every type of business.

Jordan: I always knew that I wanted to be in a field where I could help people. This job allows me to talk to so many people every day. While the severity of their needs may vary, each call is an opportunity to touch someone’s life in a positive way.

What are some challenges you face in this profession and how do you overcome them?

Kimberly: On occasion, I have clients who aren’t ready to create change. It’s hard when you work with someone and you know they can achieve what they set out to, but they do not see that in themselves. It can be frustrating at times when people give up and choose not to see themselves as worthy enough to stay the course and achieve their desired goals. I can work through this by remembering that although I didn’t get to witness any real growth, I know in my heart that I did plant a seed. That seed may grow in the future, and I must remain strong in my faith and hope that at some point, it will. It just may not be in my time, and that is okay.

Hauva: The biggest challenges here and everywhere in counseling is burnout. We all lecture self-care as this nebulous concept, but it’s too vague and too hard to feel successful at. For me, making sure I have slept and making sure I’m having fun is vital. Also, making sure I turn off work when I leave so that I can turn on fully when I am is crucial.

Marlo: One of the challenges I’ve faced in this profession is related to challenges in finding appropriate care and service for our members. Over the course of my career, I’ve learned to focus on what I can do, like staying present, focus on the individual, refer/assist/link as appropriate, and not fixate on what I can’t do. To be fully present in the moment and ensuring the person feels heard and seen is sometimes sufficient. I’m also working to shift my paradigm from problem resolution to facilitating change.

Jordan: At times there are busier days with calls with individuals with higher acuity, more risk concerns and simply hearing some of the hardship they go through can be tough. I try to make sure to count my own blessings, to be grateful for my life and again my opportunity and privilege to provide support to those going through a really difficult time. Self-care is an important part of this. I personally like to spend time with my husband and our two boys, spend time with family and friends, stay active and cook and bake!

Is there anything you’d like to highlight about working in customer service?

Kimberly: I would like to encourage all Magellan employees to spread the word that coaching is available to all employees and their household members.  I’d like to increase more awareness about this amazing modality that is so incredibly impactful to creating positive change!  I would love to see our entire book of business consistently spread the message about this service to their teams and employees so that we can reach and touch millions of lives!  We all need that special coach to help guide us on the path to success and I would love for everyone to capitalize on this! Our coaching team is exceptional with decades of experience. We are highly trained and skilled to coach members on numerous life issues. We are a devoted team of coaches, and we are firmly committed to helping everyone achieve their desired success.

Hauva: The people, the coworkers, supervisors, and management. I have had many iterations of this profession, and this place and these people have been my favorite. They are the most fun and most supportive I have ever had. It’s an honor to work with all of them and I only hope I can offer the same to each of them.

Marlo: It’s fulfilling to know that in the short amount of time and brief interaction we have with our customers, we may make a large impact on their day and lives.

Jordan: I think that customer service calls of all kinds reflect on the everyday interactions that we all go through. Everyone has needs that come up, and everyone has likely been in a position of asking for help. It is a great reminder that we are meant to be connected to each other one way or another. Humans are hardwired to support one another, and I am thankful for all my amazing coworkers who help our members daily by being on the other end of the phone.

What does Customer Service Week mean to you?

Kimberly: I think this is a great opportunity to validate and appreciate those who are truly devoted to delivering the utmost of care and support to the members we serve.  We live in a world that is saturated with fear, stress, and anxiety. When we intentionally set out to offer a service that comes from the heart, that is authentic, kind, and truly caring, we can create a ripple effect of positivity that can over time, create positive change.  This week is a powerful reminder of how impactful our service can be in the lives of people we serve.

Hauva: As I understand my role and my work, every week is customer service week; every day is customer service day; every client deserves the best customer service I can give in that moment.

Marlo: Customer Service Week is a time to reiterate the importance of what we do, while highlighting the hard work and dedication of those serving individuals in need.

Jordan: To me, customer service week is about putting the spotlight on those that help to remind each of us why we chose to get into this field. It’s about making sure we are taking good care of ourselves, as good of care as we provide to those we serve.

Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder

October is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression linked to seasonal changes, typically beginning when fall starts and intensifying during late fall or early winter.

What’s the difference between SAD and the “winter blues”?

Many people feel a little down during colder months because they are stuck inside, and it gets dark early. These feelings, often called the “winter blues,” are temporary. SAD is a clinical form of depression that affects your daily life, including how you feel and think. SAD can last up to five months of the year.

What causes SAD?

About 5% of adults in the U.S. experience SAD. It tends to start in young adulthood. SAD may be caused by reduced serotonin and vitamin D levels, altered melatonin levels, decreased sunlight and shorter days.

What are the symptoms of SAD?

If you have SAD, you may experience mood changes and symptoms of depression, including:

  • Persistent sadness
  • Increased anxiety
  • Food cravings and weight gain
  • Extreme fatigue and low energy
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Social withdrawal
  • Sleep disturbances

What are treatment options for SAD?

Treatment should be tailored to you and supervised by a healthcare professional. Options include:

  • Spending time outdoors—Getting more sunlight can help improve your symptoms.
  • Light therapy—Using a light therapy box daily helps regulate circadian rhythms and boost mood.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy—This treatment helps identify and change negative thought patterns.
  • Vitamin D—A supplement may help if a deficiency is present.
  • Medication—Antidepressants may be prescribed for severe cases.

For more on Seasonal Affective Disorder, visit our website for National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month, MagellanHealthcare.com/Mental-Health, and be sure to check out the suicide prevention tip sheets and awareness campaign toolkit.


Overcome thoughts of suicide and take care of your mental health

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Sometimes, suicide may seem like the only way to escape the pain of situations such as a breakup, job loss, social exclusion, bullying or other trauma. This type of distress can be a dangerous trap. It’s vital to take immediate steps to move yourself away from feelings of hopelessness. What can you do?

Spot the triggers. Recognize worsening distress in the form of self-blame, poor self-esteem, rejection, loss of interest in activities or feeling trapped and hopeless.

Remove lethal items. Rid your home of items you could use for self-harm, like guns, knives, razors or expired, discontinued and non-essential medicines.

Get help right away. Acting quickly can make all the difference. Call or text 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. A trained counselor will help you talk through what you’re feeling, and together you’ll develop a safety plan.

Consult with a professional. Mental health professionals can help you with concerns like depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

Reach out. Talk with a close friend, loved one or spiritual advisor. If you feel you’re in a crisis, dial 911.

Recognize feelings are temporary. Your dark feelings aren’t permanent. With responsive care, you can and will feel better.

For more on suicide prevention, visit our website for September Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, MagellanHealthcare.com/Prevent-Suicide, and be sure to check out the suicide prevention tip sheets and awareness campaign toolkit.

SOURCES: Mayo Clinic and Mental Health America

Four Misconceptions About Mental Health in BIPOC Communities

BIPOC Mental Health Month is focused on raising awareness about the unique challenges and mental health disparities that may affect Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) not just in July, but all year long. Despite growing recognition of mental health issues across the country, some in the BIPOC community continue to grapple with misconceptions that can sometimes lead to stigma and inadequate support. Addressing these misconceptions can help to ensure that all communities have access to the care and support they need.

In this Q&A, Magellan’s Mary Hinson, Ph.D. LCMHCS, a counselor with the Military and Family Life Counselor program, shares four misconceptions about mental health in the BIPOC community.

Q: Why is BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month important?

Dr. Mary Hinson: There are several reasons this month is a BIG deal! But here are a few… First, by talking about mental health, it makes it less of a taboo. This month also spotlights mental health challenges specific to BIPOC communities.  Which in turn allows for advocacy for culturally sensitive care and draws attention to unequal access to mental health services.

Q: What are some misconceptions about mental health in BIPOC communities that need to be addressed?

Dr. Hinson:

  • Thinking mental health issues mean you’re weak in some way (this stems from societal stigma and misconceptions about the nature of mental illness.)
  • Assuming therapy’s only for people who are “touched” (ignores the wide range of benefits therapy can offer to people dealing with everyday stresses and life challenges.)
  • Believing you should keep mental health problems hush-hush in the family (reflects cultural attitudes that prioritize privacy and fear of social judgment over seeking necessary help).
  • Thinking old-school healing and modern mental health care are incompatible.

Q: How can individuals raise awareness about BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month within their own circles?

Dr. Hinson:

  • Post about BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month on your socials (most people have one, so hit share)
  • If you work virtually, you could use a virtual background highlighting this month
  • Check out resources to you are prepared to share resources (i.e. the Loveland Foundation, Boris L. Henson Foundation, Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective)
  • Start conversations about mental health with your circles.

What role can schools and workplaces play in supporting BIPOC mental health?

  • Connect people with mental health resources.
  • Train staff on how to be more inclusive.
  • Create relaxed spaces where people of various backgrounds can talk about mental health.
  • Enacting policies that combat discrimination and promote overall wellness.
  • Recognize that all do not accept the term BIPOC either. Lumping all these groups together may suggest that everyone is having the same experience, which is inaccurate. Instead, we can consider referring specifically to the group we refer to.

Navigating Election Season: 20 Tips for Managing Stress and Creating Healthy Boundaries

As we near election day in November, individuals may find themselves grappling with heightened stress and anxiety. However, there are tips and useful resources available to help navigate the election season and maintain one’s mental well-being.

In this Q&A, Magellan’s Mary Walston, LCMHC, a counselor in the Military and Family Life Counselor program, offers practical strategies for mental wellbeing.

Q: What are effective strategies to manage stress and anxiety related to political discussion and news?

Mary Walston:

Limit Exposure by Setting Boundaries: Allocate specific times for checking news and avoid consuming political content right before bed to prevent sleep disturbances. Choose specific times of the day to check news updates. Avoid consuming news first thing in the morning or right before bed. Set a time limit for how long you spend reading or watching news each day (e.g., 30 minutes to an hour).

Curate Sources: Consider using news aggregators to filter the most relevant information. News apps can help filter and summarize the news, presenting the stories without overwhelming detail.

Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: When you do consume news, focus on it fully rather than multitasking. This helps you process the information better and reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed. After reading or watching the news, take a few minutes to reflect on what you’ve learned and how it makes you feel. Engage in regular mindfulness or meditation practices to center your thoughts and reduce anxiety. Use deep breathing techniques to calm your nervous system when feeling overwhelmed by political news.

Engage in Healthy Distractions such as Hobbies or Interests: Spend time on activities you enjoy, such as reading, gardening, or exercising, to shift your focus away from political stressors. Engage in non-political conversations with friends and family and participate in community activities that bring you joy.

Seek Professional Support: Consider talking to a therapist or counselor if political anxiety is significantly impacting your mental health. Join support groups or online communities where you can share your concerns and learn coping strategies from others facing similar challenges.

Self-Care Practices

Journaling: Use a journal to express your thoughts and emotions, which can be therapeutic and help clarify feelings.

Creative Outlets: Engage in creative activities like drawing, painting, writing, or crafting to divert your mind from stress.

Pampering: Take time for self-care activities such as baths, skincare routines, or massages.

Physical Activity

Exercise Regularly: Engage in physical activities like walking, running, or any form of exercise that you enjoy. Exercise helps reduce stress and improve mood.

Nature Walks: Spend time outdoors in nature to disconnect from the digital world and relax your mind.

Q: What are some ways to respectfully disengage from political conversations that cause distress?


Express Personal Boundaries

Simple Decline: Politely say, “I’d prefer not to discuss politics right now.”

Set Clear Limits: Use statements like, “I understand this is important, but I find these discussions stressful and would rather not engage in them.”

Redirect the Conversation

Change the Subject: Shift to a neutral topic by saying, “Let’s talk about something else. How was your weekend?”

Shared Interests: Bring up a shared interest or hobby to steer the conversation in a different direction.

Acknowledge and Exit

Show Respect: Acknowledge the other person’s viewpoint without engaging further, such as, “I see where you’re coming from, but I need to step away from this conversation.”

Graceful Exit: Excuse yourself from the conversation by saying, “Excuse me, I need to take care of something,” and physically leave the space if possible.

Use Humor

Lighten the Mood: Defuse tension with a lighthearted comment like, “Politics can be heavy. How about we save the world later and talk about something fun?”

Time-Limited Engagement

Set Time Limits: If you feel obligated to engage, set a clear time limit: “I’m okay discussing this for a few minutes, but then I need to move on to other things.”

Scheduled Discussions: Suggest discussing political topics at a later time when you feel more prepared, saying, “Can we talk about this another time?”

The Life Within the Game: The Importance of Athlete Mental Health

The 2024 Summer Olympics are right around the corner! The exciting world of elite sports is often associated with physical prowess, unparalleled dedication, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. The world will come together to observe in awe, cheer for their favorite athletes, and be instilled with patriotic pride. We hope that fans will also take a moment to appreciate and support the lives of competitors in the games.

Recent high-profile performers, such as gymnast Simone Biles, skateboarder Rayssa Leal, and sprinter Noah Lyles, have bravely brought to light the significant challenges faced by top athletes. Their nuanced self-awareness and recognition of the ebb and flow on the mental and emotional states we all experience were critical to their safety and wellbeing. This awareness of elite amateur and Olympic athletes is crucial for optimizing their overall performance, long-term health, and wellbeing. Whether you are an athlete or a spectator, it’s important to understand the role that mental health plays in performance.

Understanding Mental Health Awareness in Sports

Mental health awareness refers to an individual’s ability to recognize their current emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. It reflects a deep understanding of how we think, feel, and act, influencing how we handle stress, relate to others, and make decisions. Wellness is a holistic concept that encompasses physical, mental, and social aspects of health, aiming for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Elite amateur athletes face unique pressures that can affect their mental health awareness and wellness. The intense training schedules, high expectations to perform, and constant public scrutiny can lead to significant stress. The pressure to excel not only comes from personal ambition but also from coaches, sponsors, and fans, which can create an environment where mental health issues are more common than most may realize.

The Impact of Mental Health Practices on Performance

Prioritizing mental health practices is essential for athletes to perform at their best. When athletes are disciplined in their mental practices, they can maintain focus, manage stress effectively, and cultivate sustainable motivation. Confidence elevates and performance excels.

Conversely, poor mental discipline can severely impact an athlete, leading to decreased performance levels, increased risk of injuries, burnout, and/or early retirement. While many athletes may be able to perform at high levels during these challenges, this is often not sustainable and may have long-term detrimental impacts. To combat these challenges, mental resilience, mental skills training, positive support systems, healthy coping mechanisms, and work-life balance are all countermeasures these top-level athletes call upon to maintain mental health.

Common Mental and Emotional Challenges Among Elite Athletes

Continuous high-intensity training and competition can lead to burnout and chronic stress. Symptoms include physical and emotional exhaustion, decreased performance, and a sense of detachment from the sport.

Anxiety and Depression are among the most common mental and emotional challenges faced by elite athletes. High prevalence rates are often linked to the immense pressure to perform, fear of failure, and the struggle to balance personal and professional lives. Symptoms can include persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, and excessive worry.

Substance Abuse can be a coping mechanism for dealing with stress, pain, and performance anxiety. Unfortunately, it brings long-term consequences, including addiction and severe health problems. Athletes may turn to performance-enhancing drugs, alcohol, or other substances to manage the pressures of competition.

Athletes, particularly those in sports with a focus on appearance, weight, and body composition, may develop eating disorders. The pressure to maintain a certain body image can lead to unhealthy eating habits, negatively affecting both physical and mental health.

Strategies for Promoting Mental Health and Performance

Individual Level

Adopting self-care practices and routines that promote mental health and performance, such as mindfulness meditation, regular physical activity, and adequate rest is critical. Seeking professional help from licensed clinical psychologists or counselors is crucial when dealing with severe mental, emotional, or social challenges.

Team and Organizational Level

Creating a supportive environment within teams and organizations is essential. This can involve implementing mental health policies, providing resources, and fostering open communication about mental health. Encouraging a culture where mental health practices are prioritized can make a significant difference. Preventing and mitigating mental and emotional challenges requires recognizing the nuance of early signs and implementing strategies, often with a multidisciplinary approach.

Community and Public Level

Raising awareness and reducing stigma around mental health awareness and practices in sports is vital. The role of media and public figures in promoting mental health practices cannot be underestimated. Public campaigns and educational programs can help change perceptions and encourage athletes to seek help.

Supporting Athletes

The significance of mental health awareness for elite athletes cannot be overstated. Good mental health awareness and discipline is intrinsically linked to peak performance, overall wellbeing, and career longevity. Athletes who prioritize their mental wellbeing often perform better, as they are more likely to adopt best practices to decrease the likelihood that mental and emotional challenges become detrimental to their performances. Their high degree of self-awareness allows them to recognize early signs of mental and emotional challenges and take proactive steps to manage them. These strategies are beneficial for everyone as they go from good to great and explore the bounds of their potential.

Starting with youth sports, we can all play a role in prioritizing mental health initiatives and providing ongoing support and resources to ensure athletes can perform at their best and lead fulfilling lives.

  • Leverage and encourage the integration of technology and mental health apps to provide access to resources for athletes while reducing stigma.
  • Support the advancements in sports governance that advocate for mental health resources.
  • Act with awareness and intention. Observe, engage, and create a culture of open communication.

Encouraging a holistic approach to mental health and wellness will benefit not only the athletes but the entire sports community. As the Olympics commence, let’s commit to being fans with a purpose – appreciating and prioritizing the lives within the games!

Four Tips to Improve Mental Health During BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

July’s BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month is an observance dedicated to raising awareness about the unique mental health challenges faced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. This month emphasizes the importance of culturally competent mental health care and aims to address the disparities in mental health services and outcomes among these communities.

In this Q&A, Magellan Health’s Eric A. Williams, Ph.D., LCMHCS, LMFT, LPC, and Stephanie White, LMFT, regional supervisors for the Military and Family Life Counselor program, share four ways BIPOC can improve their mental health.

Q: What advice would you give to BIPOC individuals seeking to improve their mental health and well-being?

Dr. Eric Williams:

#1 Prioritize Self-Care

How you treat yourself reflects your relationship with yourself. This includes your diet, sleep hygiene, social support system, and spirituality. Here are a few strategies to prioritize your self-care:

  • Body: Get regular medical and dental check-ups. Engage in regular physical activity, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep. Lastly, take prescription medications as prescribed.
  • Mind: Ensure a healthy balance of mass media, social media, and other uplifting sources of information. This doesn’t mean you have to give up your social media accounts, but it does mean you emphasize being exposed to information that supports your mental well-being. This could include practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing, reading, learning a new skill, or spending time in nature.
  • Spirit: Consider establishing a personal vision reflective of your values and purpose in life. Spend time with loved ones, practice gratitude, and engage in activities that nourish your sense of meaning.

#2 Build Strong Connections with Family and Friends

Strong social connections are essential for mental well-being.

  • Nurture existing relationships: Intentionally create time for friends and family who support you and make you feel good. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries with people who drain your energy or contribute to negativity in your life.
  • Expand your social circle: Join clubs, or sports leagues (i.e., bowling, softball, etc.), volunteer in community organizations to include church and other non-profit organizations, or take classes to connect with people who share your interests.

#3 Seek Professional Help if Needed

You may experience racial discrimination, stresses and microaggressions, which can influence your emotional well-being in ways these tips may not address. Don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help if you’re struggling. Finding a therapist or counselor who understands your cultural background is important. Look for therapists who identify as BIPOC themselves or have experience working with BIPOC communities.

Stephanie White:

#4 Practice Self-Affirming Habits for Adults and Children

I highly recommend a personal habit of affirming your color and appearance through meditation and self-care. Take good care of your coils and strands, your health, and your heart. For our youth, I also recommend that we embrace and build a collection of literature that is directed toward children of color, celebrating their uniqueness as well as their belonging.

For more information to increase awareness about BIPOC mental health and wellbeing and the importance of recognizing and addressing concerns, visit MagellanHealthcare.com/BIPOC-MH.