Maintain Your Recovery During the Pandemic
The stress of COVID-19 can present many challenges to those who are in recovery. In particular, social distancing is limiting people’s ability to get support from friends, family, and support groups.
Connection to others in recovery is a big part of the solution for many in recovery. Meetings make people feel supported and understood in ways nothing or no one else can. With much of the world under orders to quarantine or shelter in place, people in recovery can struggle to maintain a connection to their support groups. The good news is many recovery groups are scheduling virtual meetings, and that number is increasing each day.
Below are links to information about virtual 12-step and non-12-step meetings. These meetings take place in a variety of ways: over the phone, in online community posting forums, in social media groups, and through video.
Also, if you have a sponsor, peer specialist, or other special relationship, maintain that connection through text, email, phone, and FaceTime, or Skype.
12-Step Programs
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA; For regularly scheduled virtual meetings, visit and click on Online Meetings.
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA; For regularly scheduled virtual meetings, visit In the NA Meeting Search box on the right, select “Phone” or “Web” in the Country field drop-down list.
- Al-Anon (for families and friends of alcoholics; For regularly scheduled virtual meetings, visit
- Nar-Anon (for families and friends of addicts; For regularly scheduled virtual meetings, visit
Other Programs
Some in recovery prefer non-12 step programs. Listed below are a few organizations who provide virtual support.
- SMART Recovery (for people with addictive problems; To find online forums and meetings, visit
- LifeRing (for people addicted to alcohol or drugs; To find online video meetings via Zoom, visit
- Women for Sobriety (for women facing issues of alcohol or drug addiction; org): For information on the online community, visit
For more information and tips, visit