
We all need to be cautious as COVID-19 continues to spread across the United States. However, people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes need to be extra careful. According to the CDC, the risk of catching the virus isn’t greater for those with diabetes, but the symptoms could be worse. That’s especially true if diabetes is not well managed or controlled. Here are some ways to reduce your chance of contracting COVID-19 if you have diabetes.

  • Keep your distance
    The best way to avoid getting sick is to stay home. However, we know that is not always possible. If you do go out, stay 6 feet away from other people and wear a face mask.
  • Use good hygiene
    It’s important to wash your hands often to prevent the spread of infection. Be vigilant about washing your hands before you give yourself a finger stick or insulin shot. Also, remember to clean each area first with soap and water or rubbing alcohol.
  • Keep your blood sugar under control
    When you have diabetes, your blood sugar levels may be consistently high. Many parts of your body can be affected or damaged by too much sugar including your immune system, which puts you at greater risk of infection.
  • Keep moving
    Your lifestyle may have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic. You may be working remote, going out less, or avoiding the gym. However, moderate activity is still very important to your overall health and management of diabetes. Yard work, brisk walking, cycling, or in-home workouts are all safe ways to get exercise.
  • Supportive family and friends
    To protect you, your friends and family should take extra precautions. Some of these may include washing their hands more often, not sharing personal items, and wearing a face mask if you’re in the same room.
  • Stay positive
    Staying positive and focusing on those circumstances you can control is always a good foundation for health. Mindfulness activities and gratitude will go a long way to maintaining wellness.

If you do start feeling sick and have COVID-19 symptoms such as a dry cough, fever, or shortness of breath, call your doctor.
