
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month and the Importance of Self-Direction

Thirty years ago, President Ronald Reagan deemed March to be Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Awareness months are an important advocacy tool, as they provide opportunities to reflect on progress and…

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Managing Transformation Across Healthcare: Key Highlights from MOVE 2017

In late January, Magellan held its second annual Magellan Open Vision Exchange (MOVE) conference in Scottsdale, Ariz. MOVE brings together a large cast of voices from the healthcare industry to…

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Mind the Gap: Increasing Access to Behavioral Healthcare

According to the Kim Foundation, one out of four Americans experiences behavioral health issues. Of those, 60 percent are not receiving treatment. Why are so many people not receiving treatment?…

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Value-Based Purchasing: Putting the Wheels into Motion

You’re buying a car. Before you hit the lot, you do your planning and research, establish a budget, figure out what features you want and what style you’re looking for….

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